
Showing posts from January, 2021

Microbit (V2) weather station

  Microbit weather station mk2 This project builds on my experience ( here ) with a microbit. This version uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to upload readings to a device, such as a phone - this is a much more convenient upload method than USB. I have also had reliability problems with the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. It seems this isn't uncommon! So I am using the BME280 device to measure all 3 parameters: air pressure, temperature and humidity. This device has rather good accuracy: ±1.25℃ (temperature), ±3% (humidity), and ± 1 mbar (pressure). ❗At the moment the MakeCode extension for the BME280 only returns integers for the readings. The author is planning to update it so please check back here for blog updates! The weather station lets you make regular hourly readings of weather measurements, store them together with the date and time, and upload them to a device. You can use the readings to plot a chart, for example, to show how the weather changed over time. Here...