Rain gauge 2
Rain gauge 2 Update : I've added a chart showing an actual day's recording. A while ago I made a rain gauge based on measuring the resistance of rainwater. This is an improved version: it should be more accurate because it measures the weight of the water collected in a tank over a given time. The weight can be converted to the depth of rain falling in a given period by simple arithmetic. The diagram below shows the scheme - rain enters the tank which is weighed periodically. When the tank is "nearly" full it is emptied, and the scales are reset. The overall arrangement Lengthy experiments with an electrically operated water valve were not successful! But a submersible pump does work quite well; provided the water tank side wall is quite low we can keep the settling time short. We are using an electronically controlled pump . So no manual intervention is needed, and we should be able to have an unattended rain gauge! Ideally the process of emptying the tank shou...