
Showing posts from March, 2022

Microbit radio weather station

I've built a couple of microbit weather stations in the past; the last one used Bluetooth to upload readings to a laptop for further processing. This one is aimed at younger students and uses the microbit's built in radio , which is a bit easier to code. The sender microbit records weather readings every hour or so (your choice). To upload the readings, to make a daily chart or graph perhaps, we use a second receiver microbit to fetch the readings. They can then be sent via USB, or some other means, to a laptop or phone. So the sender can be untouched and in a fairly inaccessible place (depending on the radio range, of course). Powering the sender I didn't want to use non-rechargeable cells, so I tried a power bank . This is a high-capacity rechargeable battery which is normally used to supply energy to a phone. It has some clever circuitry which, among other things, disconnects the battery from its load when the load current has dropped. Power bank But - this particula...