Weather Station 1
In this project, we will use a micro:bit to measure a number of useful things, starting with temperature. A micro:bit can measure temperature all on its own - try it! It’s not very accurate - it might have an error of 4C. Can we do anything about that? Make measurements over one day Now we will write code to make temperature measurements, and save them every 15 minutes for a whole day. You can take the micro:bit anywhere to measure the temperature - but keep it dry! We will read the measurements the next day, at about the same time. We could use them to plot a graph perhaps. Our code will need a list to put the temperature readings in. We give it a name - templist . A list is like a table: count temperature 0 21 1 21 2 22 95 25 Here is some code which saves the temperature to the list: Let’s start coding! In your Chrome browser, open the MakeCode website ( ) and pair the micro:bit by cli...